Saturday, August 13, 2011

Took on a painting commission

I met a nice guy on Bartertown from the Windy City that needed some FOW mini's painted. Normally I dont do this kind of work, But I guess I needed to do something different for a change other that painting my own stuff. Im really glad I took on this project and how they turned out and I hope he will be happy with them also. As again Im still getting used to this macro setting on the camera so once again sorry....

The pics dont do these guys justice at all, Hopefully when he gets these next week he'll leave a little message as to what they look like in person.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little terrain

Everybody that knows me, Knows that I HATE making terrain but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. So I took some time from my vacation to make some bocage for FOW, Made about 30 feet of it...It took about 3 days and a few beers but got it done. Here's the pics!!!

Well there you have it terrain made by a guy who hates making terrain. If interested on the technique on how I did it give me a shout.
I have some other finished stuff Ill be posting shortly.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A little BIG Flames of War game!!

We wanted to do something a little different for one of our games so we added a twist...Mid War Monsters! Alot of people don't like using them, Doesn't matter to us we'll still play. Theres no AAR just some pics when I remembered to take them. Next week were doing a CY6 game, So Im looking forward to that. So heres the pics.....

Thats no field of daiseys and I dont hear the sound of music!!

Big Uns on the prowl

Time for a little shopping.

Nobody wants to come out and play!!

Soviet Sappers in the woods.

Tons of fun.

So thats it for now, Still trying to get a handle on the camera. Ill post some WIP's later in the week.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Check Your 6 Stuff

Here's some figs I had finished up recently for our Check your 6 games we've been playing fairly often. Picture quality is ok still getting used to the camera.

More to come stay tuned... Gaming this weekend with Mothers Day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A new Venture

Well Sorry for the delay folks, Been busy with everything but gaming and painting!
I guess I'll open with our trip to Cold Wars 2011. My buddy brian and myself made the trip to Lancaster in March, What can I say WOW!!  Spent lots of money and came home with a ton of lead. Spent most of it on 1/285 WW2 and Jets for Check your Six, But went ahead with my protests and started a new gaming system. 54mm Nappys of all things, Picked up a few items from All The Kings Men .... Still under protest!
I will tell you these figs are a dream to paint, The sculpts are A1.. Hardly any mold lines and really no clean up. I have to hand it to those guys at ATKM they did a fantasic job on these, All I can say is they have another customer. So with no more protests here are some of the finished products.

Sorry for the bad pics, Trying to get the hang of this. Like I said it was a joy to paint these and Im sure their will be many more to come. Next up Ill post some pics of some CY6 planes that have been done. Cheers